
Re-bedding Procedure

Re-bedding is recommended if you have the following situation:

  1. After bedding in but you still have brake squeaking.
  2. After bedding in but you feel the brake doesn't provide good stopping power.
  3. When you switch to a new brake pad compounds.

Rotor Surface: Clean the rotor surface with brake cleaner+ and fine steel wool, or sand paper to remove as much of the existed pad deposit as possible.

Pad Surface: Remove pad glaze (shining area) with steel wire brush or sand paper to roughen the surface.

+Brake cleaner can be purchased from your local auto parts store or HomeDepot.




After cleaning, perform the bedding again as outlined in the "break-in" procedure similar to MOTORSPOTS bedding. This can be a simple and straightforward process but the actual bed-in may take slightly longer than brand new rotors and pads due to the pad deposit removal may not be as clean as a brand new rotor & pad.

  1. Make 8 to 10 hard brakings* from approx. 60-80 mph.
  2. Do not drag brakes to a complete stop.
  3. Increase speeds to 80-100 mph and make additional  8 to 10 harder brakings*.
  4. Allow 15-20 minutes for the brake system to cool down.
  5. Do not apply the parking brake (so the pad is not contacting the rotor) during this cool down period.
  6. Smoke & Smell Test: After a proper "bedding" you should see smokes and feel the smell as the car is parked for cooling. If you do not see and feel the smoke, it simply means your braking-in was insufficient and should repeat the procedure again until "Smokes And Smell"occur.
  • Step 1 is to warm up the brake rotor & pad.
  • Step 3 is to transfer the pad compound/layer over to the rotor.

*hard braking = down the speed to ~30 MPH. It's a snap (the brake pedal) and let go action.

Note: After re-bedding in, it still takes another 4-6 weeks (1200 to 1500 miles) to have the rotor and pad fully seated together as one unit, so during this period you may still experience some light squeaking here there but it shall go away afterwards, so give it a little patience.