
Brake Pad Installation & Break-in Procedures


  1. Generally we do not recommend the use of shims with our ET/XT pads as they may result in a less responsive pedal feel. However, they may still be used (transferred from your existing pads) if you prefer.
  2. Install new pads, making sure they are correctly oriented and securely seated into brackets.
  3. Check hydraulic parts for any excess wear and tear.
  4. Check rotor for proper thickness, parallelism, and lateral run-out.
  5. Clean rotor surface and remove any oil, grease, or debris.
  6. Flush hydraulic system with fresh brake fluid as necessary.
  7. Inspect calipers for freedom of movement.


We recommend all brake pads are broken in with the rotor they will be used with, so a transfer of film is generated between the pad and rotor surface for optimal performance - whether you have new or used rotors.


  1. Make 6 to 8 brakings from approx. 30-35 mph. Do not go below 25 mph.
  2. Make an additional 3 to 4 hard brakings from approx. 50-55 mph. Do not go below 40 mph.
  3. Allow 10-15 minutes for the brakes to cool off. Do not apply the parking brake during this cool down period.


   Racing pads must be properly bedded-in at race track conditions or undesirable result or    premature failure may occur.

  1. Seal all brake ducts, if any.
  2. Make 6 to 8 brakings from approx. 60-80 mph. Do not drag brakes to a complete stop.
  3. Increase speeds to simulate race conditions (at racing speeds) and make additional 6 to 8 brakings.
  4. Remove brake duct seals. Allow 10-15 minutes for the brake system to cool down. Do not apply the parking brake during this cool down period.


   Brakings: These refer to an abrupt "snub and release" pedal action instead of dragging    brakes to a complete stop. For track break-in, if you have to drive to another place to perform    this procedure, it's OK to drive and gradually stop as you would normally on street.

   Parking Brake: This refers to the floating caliper type rear parking brake. It's OK to use the parking brake if you have the drum type shoe brake (such as EVO or Corvette). If you are not sure what type of parking brake you have, simply shift your transmission to the "P" position or 1st gear (manual transmission).